Pagan Holidays or Sabbats

Sabbats (or Witches’ Sabbaths) are the eight festivals celebrated by Pagans, Witches and Wiccans throughout the year. There are four “Solar festivals”, which are the two Solstices and two Equinoxes that mark the Earth’s annual journey around the sun—and the four “Fire or Earth festivals,” in October, February, May and August. They are spaced roughly at even intervals throughout the annual cycle of the Earth’s seasons (the “Wheel of the Year”).

Samhain October 31st – (Pronounced sow-en or soh-wiñ). The veils between this world and the next are thinnest, making it easier to communicate with their spirits. A time to honor the dead and to celebrate those who have passed on. Celebrated by many as the old Celtic “New Year”.

Winter Solstice or Yule (Midwinter) – December 19th – December 23rd. A solar festival in celebration of the Great God or Sun God and his rebirth. The longest night and shortest day of the year.

Imbolc (Candlemas) – February 1st – February 2nd. (Pronounced im-bulg or im-bulk) This is a fire festival. The Goddess Brigid (pronounced ‘Breed’) is celebrated on Imbolc. She is a Goddess sacred to many things, but most notably fertility, poetry, healing, and fire.

Ostara (Spring or Vernal Equinox) – March 19th – March 23rd. A solar festival celebrating the return to the light, when both day and night are equal, the exact midpoint between the winter and summer solstice.

Beltane – May 1st. This is another fire festival. It that falls midway between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. A celebration of the coming together of male and female energies to create new life.

Summer Soilstice (Litha), or Midsummer – June 19th – June 23rd. This happens when the sun reaches it’s highest point in the sky, traditionally celebrated on June 21st.

Lammas (Lughnasadh) – August 1st – August 2nd. This is a harvest festival, celebrated with a feast.

Mabon (Autumnal Equinox) – September 20th – September 24th. Traditionally celebrated on 21st. This is a time to give thanks, feast and share. A celebration that falls midway between the summer and winter solstices when once again both day and night are equal.